Left to right: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/c/c1/Images_%288%29.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/225?cb=20120612055950
This peak lies near the midpoint of the Misty Mountains. Underneath
lies the old dwarven settlement of Moria, formerly known as Khazad-Dum.
At this mountain lies Redhorn Pass, where the Fellowship of the Ring
attempted to cross the Misty Mountains before turning back.
Once ruled by Elrond, this town is now ruled by his descendents. Far gone from
its heyday, it is still an impressive site filled with rich culture. Its architectural
style hails from ancient societies, and its beautiful waterfalls are it most
striking features.
Minas Tirith
This city is the capital of the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor.
It was the site of a defining battle of the War of the Ring, during which
the city almost fell. Fortunately, its forces prevailed, and it is said
to be more beautiful today than at its founding.
This tower was once used by Saruman as a base of operations during
the War of the Ring. After his death, it was re-taken by Gondor, and the
surrounding area was given to the Ents. Today, it is a museum, housing
some of the most prized artifacts from across Middle Earth.
Hobbiton is a quiet village located in the Shire. It was once the home
of Bilbo Baggins and his nephew, Frodo. Much of it was unfortunately
destroyed during the War of the Ring, but it was rebuilt. Today, it looks
much like it did in the Baggins' time.
Today, little remains of this once great city. The unique trees that once grew here
are no longer, and the elves that once dwelt here have left or perished. There are a few
artifacts remaining from the elves, and there is also the grave of Lady Arwen, the queen
of King Elessar Telcontar, the first king of reunited Gondor and Arnor.
Dale was once a thriving city built by men near Erebor, the lonely mountain.
The surviving residents created a town on the nearby lake, which was destroyed
when Smaug awoke. After the defeat of the dragon, the survivors re-established
Dale. During the War of the Ring, it was besieged until news of Sauron's defeat came.
Eyrn Lasgalen
Eryn Lasgalen is a large forest to the West of the river Anduin. It
was once a corrupted forest home to dark magics, known as Mirkwood, but
today it is much more hospitable. It is home to unique fauna and flora.
It is a vast forest with few trails, so be sure to hire a guide and stay
on the road to avoid getting lost.