The Basics of Recycling

Recycling survey

Create Table SQL

CREATE TABLE tblMaterials(
    fldMaterial VARCHAR(40),
    fldProcess VARCHAR(200),
    fldProblems VARCHAR(200)

INSERT INTO tblMaterials (fldMaterial, fldProcess, fldProblems) VALUES 
('Paper', 'Paper is broken down and re-constituted to form new paper', 'Toxic ink wastes, differing grades, limited amount of reuse'),
 ('Metal', 'Most metals can be melted and re-cast easily into new forms', 'A lot of steel and aluminum cans are thrown away'), 
 ('Glass', 'Glass can be melted and re-formed many times', 'Two-thirds of glass bottles are thrown away'), 
 ('Plastic', 'Plastic is often re-purposed to make different products', 'Different kinds of plastic must be recycled differently')

 CREATE TABLE responses (
    firstName VARCHAR(50),
    lastName VARCHAR(50),
    email VARCHAR(50),
    plastic TINYINT(1),
    metal TINYINT(1),
    paper TINYINT(1),
    glass TINYINT(1),
    frequency VARCHAR(9),
    cantRecycle VARCHAR(16),
    thoughts TEXT

INSERT INTO responses (firstName, lastName, email, frequency, cantRecycle) VALUES 
('Ethan', 'Ireland', '', 'Often', 'Glass');